The Cape Town Primary Schools Debating League

2023 Season Finale

The conclusion to the inaugural season of our debate league.
We will recognize our top performing teams and speakers.

Saturday, 28 October 2023 @ Wynberg Girls' Junior School

Arrivals at 08:30 and departures at 15:00

Event Schedule

Junior Division Senior Division ▢️ Start ⏸️ End
🚌 Arrivals 🚌 Arrivals 08:30 09:00
🧠 Semi-Final Prep 🧠 Quarter-Final Prep 09:00 09:30
🎀 Semi-Final Debate 🎀 Quarter-Final Debate 09:30 10:15
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Regroup πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Regroup 10:15 10:25
🧠 Final Prep 🧠 Semi-Final Prep 10:25 10:55
🎀 Final Debate 🎀 Semi-Final Debate 10:55 11:40
πŸ• Lunch Break πŸ• Lunch Break 11:40 12:10
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Regroup πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ Regroup 12:10 12:20
😴 Break 🧠 Final Prep 12:20 12:50
🧐 Watch Senior Division 🎀 Final Debate 12:50 13:35
😴 Break 😴 Break 13:35 13:45
πŸ† Awards πŸ† Awards 13:45 14:45

Junior Division Semi-Final Draws

The winners in each venue will progress to the Final. Prop and Opp draws will be randomly determined on the day.

Room # Team #1 Team #2 Next Step
Debate Room 1
Curro CC 2
Bergvliet 3
Winner to Final @ Main Hall
Debate Room 2
Siyabulela 3
Siyabulela 2
Winner to Final @ Main Hall

Senior Division Quarter-Final Draws

The winners in each venue will progress to the Semi-Final. Prop and Opp draws will be randomly determined on the day.

Room # Team #1 Team #2 Next Step
Debate Room 3
Winner to Semi-Final @ Room 1
Debate Room 4
Curro CC 1
Bergvliet 1
Winner to Semi-Final @ Room 2
Debate Room 5
Siyabulela 1
Winner to Semi-Final @ Room 2
Debate Room 6
Grove 1
Wynberg 1
Winner to Semi-Final @ Room 1

Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information? Email Thishin Moodley.

When will the topics be announced?
Topics will be announced at the beginning of each round. Teams will have 30 minutes to prepare for each debate.
How do we determine the proposition and opposition assignments?
This will be randomly determined using a coin toss.
Who can be present during the prep session?
Only the three speakers in the team.
How do we determine the proposition and opposition assignments?
There are no restrictions on the types of written or printed research teams may bring into their prep sessions. Teams will be disqualified for using electronic devices such as tablets, laptops or cell phones during their prep sessions or debates. They will also be disqualified if they communicate with non-team members after the release of the motion.
Can we substitute speakers?
Yes. Up to one substitution may be made after each debate.
Are parents and friends allowed to watch?
Yes, always!
Are parking spaces available?
Yes, there is one spot available per school.
What do we need to bring?
Writing material, previous speeches (for reference) and a packed lunch. The school tuck-shop will be available.